How to allow Customers to Download UPS labels from an Online Repair Shop

This article will cover how you can allow your customers to download and print shipping labels so that they can send their products for repair to the repair shop. In this article, we will see how the WooCommerce UPS Shipping plugin helps you achieve this scenario on your WooCommerce store.

Business case

Mark is a WooCommerce store owner who provides repair services for his customers. According to Mark,” On our website, the following process is followed,

  • The customer fills out a form with name, address, phone, email, and special instructions fields
  • When the customer clicks on the “Submit” button, three things happen,
    • The business receives confirmation of the order
    • The customer is sent to the next web page where a UPS shipping label is automatically populated with the information from the form
    • The customer is also emailed a copy of the UPS label with instructions on how to send in their shoes.

The unique process for this business includes the fact that the product being shipped is already with the customer.  The customer has to mail in their shoes to the business, rather than the business shipping a product to the customer.

So the UPS label has to reflect the customer’s address shipping to the business. Add to that, the business’ UPS account will be charged for the shipping and is FREE to the customer.”


Mark’s requirement can be easily fulfilled with the WooCommerce UPS Shipping plugin. The plugin allows store owners to change the Ship-from address preference option in the plugin settings. This allows you to generate a shipping label with the customer’s address as the Ship-from address and the store address as the Ship-to address.

All you need to do is, follow the steps below.

  • Create a product in your WooCommerce store and name it a UPS Shipping label
  • Set “Ship-from address Preference” to Shipping Address

ship from address preference

  • Now head to your Demo store and place the order for the UPS label product
  • Visit the Order Edit page and click Generate Package as shown below:

generate package

  • Edit the package weight and dimensions as shown below:

edit package weight and dimensions

  • Once you have edited the weight and dimensions, now confirm the shipment and print the label
  • Here have a look at the shipping label. You can clearly see that the shipping label has been generated from the Customer’s address to the Merchant’s address:

UPS shipping label

Final Thoughts

This article covers the WooCommerce UPS Shipping plugin with the option to provide customers the shipping labels for online repair shops. The main functionality which helps the repair shop owners is that the plugin allows you to change the address preference and sends the shipping labels to the customers via email.

If you face any issues or you are not able to set up the plugin please follow the installation steps for the UPS Shipping plugin. In case any issue arises, feel free to contact our customer support.